Artwork > Dish

Dish is an ongoing project that uses drawing and social practice to facilitate ongoing research into the correlation between local foodways and issues of climate justice. To explore the question, “who prepares the food and who sits at the table”, I organize community meals whereby local residents, food providers and consumers share stories about the preparation and presentation of classic regional recipes and food traditions related to the gathering table.
From this exchange, I archive the recipes, stories and photographic documentation of the event in a series of drawings as well as in a printed catalog and online archive. This catalog takes the form of a community/ Junior League cookbook, referencing the inherent activism of similar community efforts by extending the conversation beyond the dinner and raising awareness about local challenges. Additionally, a series of short films combining audio recordings of oral histories shared by community members and food providers and moving image of regionally specific ecosystems provide deeper insight into the daily challenges confronting local communities through the tradition of storytelling.